Monday, June 4, 2012

Digitas Readies Out "Engagement" Tool for Brand Marketers

Consumer tolerance for watching longer videos has opened new opportunities for brands and programmers to create more original and long-form content for digital platforms, said Stephanie Sarofian, Managing Director of the Third Act, the branded content arm of Digitas that is hosting the Digitas NewFront in New York this week. Beet.TV connected with Sarofian at the event about the future of Web video and new metrics Digitas is developing around engagement."This year, 2012 going into 2013, is going to be the year for long form," she says during the video interview, elaborating on where longer-form programming makes sense for brands. She adds that this year is the 5th for the NewFront, which has grown from 125 clients attending, to 750 in the audience now, half of which are brand marketers.Next up she says Digitas will introduce a tool called ROCI, for "return on content investment." It'll help brands to better measurement engagement with digital programming and ads.

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